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Counseling Support
After a use of force experience, Firearms Legal Protection ensures that a member’s mental health is protected, too.
How is Counseling Support helpful after a self-defense incident?
Using a firearm or any other legal weapon to defend yourself or another person can be a violent, emotionally traumatic experience.
Counseling Support after such an experience can help to alleviate mentally detrimental feelings of depression, loss of sleep, and the effects of PTSD.
What does Firearms Legal Protection cover for Counseling Support?
If a member requires the services of a mental health professional as the result of a use of weapon incident, Firearms Legal Protection will pay $125 per counseling session up to an aggregate of $2,500.
This counseling must be performed by a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker.
*This benefit is unavailable in Florida, North Carolina, and other states classified as insurance. See more here: Availability