
Frequently Asked Questions
Need an answer or just want to dig deeper into all things Firearms Legal Protection? Just click to visit our FAQ page containing information on a variety of topics.

Discount Genius
The members-only portal to discounts on a variety of firearm and outdoor products from brands you trust. Just another great perk for being an FLP member.

Click here to find out where Firearms Legal Protection is available from partners, retail stores, and online. There’s bound to be an FLP plan that’s right for you and your situation.

Firearm blog topics—from gear to legal issues to news updates and more—you’ll want to read and share.

Our live webinars feature expert guests on topics of importance to gun owners. Plus, you can interact and ask questions in chat. Or, just watch on demand.

Even if you’re not a member, you can get a FREE monthly Firearms Legal Protection email loaded with news & info.

MyFLP Mobile App
The MyFLP app provides members with emergency hotline access and helpful information about carry permits and state-specific weapon laws.