Want To Beat Inflation? Check Out Our Price Lock

Want To Beat Inflation? Check Out Our Price Lock

Even in these economically unstable times, Firearms Legal Protection offers some additional protection—against the rising cost of inflation.

Of course, everyone’s aware of inflation—especially now, as prices go up in this time of supply chain issues that result in too many dollars chasing too few goods.

Inflation never rests. Inflation has been a constant in economics for decades. For example, look at how the prices of these basic items have risen in just the last 20 years:

Inflation GraphAs you can see, inflation’s slow march pretty much affects everything over time.

Of course, inflation isn’t the only reason for a price increase. Even the cost of a Firearms Legal Protection membership has gradually increased through the years. An increase in cost of living does increase the costs of insurance and legal services in subtle ways, but that is not the primary reason our prices have changed throughout the last few years.

We are growing quickly, and with that growth we have added several new benefits that are quite valuable. While the core of our membership has always been uncapped legal protection, here are a few of the benefits that have been added recently:

Timeline GraphicThe service itself increased with more benefits, thus a rise in cost.

That’s a very different thing than inflation, where the exact same item—without any product improvements or increased benefits—rises in cost.


However, there’s good news for FLP members. The good news is that BOTH reasons for an increase in cost are eliminated with the lifelong Price Lock members of FLP receive when they sign up for membership.

Being “locked for life” means that the price for the membership level a member signs up for will not increase for as long as they remain a member of Firearms Legal Protection.* That way, inflation and increases in cost due to improved benefits don’t affect your price, or your member benefits.

And isn’t it nice to know that your protection from self-defense incidents is the one thing inflation can’t touch—when you’re a member of Firearms Legal Protection?

*Should you cease being a member and/or cease making payments, this lock will no longer be valid.

Firearms Legal Protection provides uncapped legal defense for members who use a firearm (or any legal weapon) in self-defense or the defense of others. Unfortunately, when people use a weapon in self-defense they could be arrested, jailed, or face extensive legal costs. Firearms Legal Protection provides members with peace of mind in these difficult situations by covering all attorney fees and providing other benefits, including bail bond protection and incident scene clean-up. Firearms Legal Protection operates a 24-hour attorney-answered emergency hotline for members. All Firearms Legal Protection members receive legal protection against Red Flag laws, and are provided access to webinars, product discounts, and more. Protect yourself. We’ll Protect you.

The information given on this website is not legal advice. The information that may be posted in any format on this website is of a general nature and should not be construed in a person’s own situation as legal advice. If you so desire legal advice, please consult an attorney in a one-on-one setting to get legal advice that pertains to your unique circumstance.
